
Des étapes passionnantes : Mise en œuvre progressive de l'ACK révisé Maintenant que nous avons accueilli l'équinoxe de printemps, nous sommes ravis de partager une mise à jour prometteuse sur…

Beyond the KBE

After experiencing a KBE, people often ask: “What’s next?” It’s a great question. KAIROS has always envisioned the KBE as one small step on the journey of learning and unlearning.…

Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below answers to frequently asked questions about the KAIROS Blanket Exercise (KBE) If you don’t find an answer to your question, please contact us at General Questions…


The visual aspect of this exercise is so impactful. It really resonated with me that I was participating from another perspective rather than being told what had occurred during colonization,…

Become a Facilitator or Partner

KAIROS is NOT seeking facilitators at this time. Please visit Become a Facilitator for more information on the application and training process, and what to expect as a KAIROS facilitator.…

Indigenous Rights

According to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) summary report, for over a hundred years, “the central goals of Canada’s Aboriginal policy were to eliminate Aboriginal governments; ignore…

Become a Partner

If your organization or group would like to offer the KBE internally on an ongoing basis to employees or members, please contact us to establish a KBE Partnership Agreement. If…

Become a Facilitator

**Please note that due to COVID-19 all facilitator training is on hold until public health guidelines permit us to resume. As such, we are not currently receiving new applications for…