Michelle Skinner

KBE Regional Community Coordinator (Atlantic)
K’taqmkuk - Unceded Mi’kmaq /Beothuk Territory (Inuit of Nunatsiavut & NunatuKavut, and the Innu of Nitassinan)

Michelle comes to you humbly from the Mi’kmaq territory of K’taqmkuk (Newfoundland). And is a proud member of the St. Georges Indian Band, Indian Cove Women's Circle and Qalipu First Nation Band. She is a registered Social Worker with 25 years’ experience in Mental Health and Addictions related work. Including clinical counselling, prevention and promotion, community outreach, program development and management. She integrates Mi’Kmaw Elder Albert Marshall’s concept of two-eyed seeing in to her work to help promote connections to land, culture, ceremony and community as a good road to healing and happiness. In her community she attends ceremonies and gatherings and is continuing to learn from elders and knowledge keepers. She is also active with Feather Carriers: Leadership for life promotion and Empowering Indigenous Women for Stronger Communities (EIWSC), a non-profit social enterprise which includes women from all four indigenous groups in Newfoundland and Labrador. She enjoys nature especially feeling the strength of Grandmother Moon, reading, spending time with family and recently has started to learn the teachings and methods to make Ribbon skirts. She is excited in her role with KBE to further connect to other Indigenous communities and groups in Atlantic Canada to learn and to share the truth of the history of Indigenous People.